Healthcare Cost & Quality
| Oct 25 2018

American Benefits Council: Unveiling 'American Benefits Legacy'

Tracy Watts
Senior Partner, National Leader for U.S. Health Policy

The American Benefits Council (public policy advocacy group in Washington DC) just released a new report, American Benefits Legacy,  that profiles the extraordinary positive difference that employers make in the lives of millions of Americans. The chapter on Employer Innovation in Healthcare is a summary from the playbook Mercer co-authored with the Council and is organized around our Vitals For Change. It contains many great examples of how employers (albeit the larger ones) have taken the initiative to test and drive new strategies that have been very effective in meeting patient needs, driving better outcomes, and lowering cost. My favorite factoid from the new report quantifies what an enormous bargain employer-sponsored health insurance is to the federal government. Specifically, for every $1 of forgone tax revenue attributable to employer-sponsored health coverage in 2016, employers spent $4.45 for health benefits. That is a very respectable R.O.I. – and yet another reason we feel justified in calling for a repeal of the Cadillac tax.

Link to the full report:


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