Transform your employee experience


Today’s digital world offers consumers simple, personalized experiences that effortlessly and instantly meet specific needs. Yet at work, numerous apps and platforms often compete and overlap, leaving employees unsure of where to go and frustrated by a disconnected experience. In an ultra-competitive labor market, it has never been more important to maximize the results of your investment in the employee experience.


Enter Mercer Belong® — the engagement platform that helps employees make sense of it all. Belong gives you a powerful and effective way to connect with your employees about their rewards, careers and well-being. With its virtual assistant, Belong transforms each interaction into the easy, personalized, consumer-grade experience your employees have come to expect. 


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Learn how Belong captures your employees’ attention

Mercer Belong accelerates business transformation, builds connections that increase engagement, supports diversity and inclusion, frees HR to be strategic and advances business success.  


Key features


Belong gives your employees a single destination for everything they need to feel connected, informed and ready to act, including: 


  • Modern design with interactive features and embedded video engages users and provides education quickly and effectively.
  • Timely, employee-centric content on a variety of relevant topics keeps readers coming back, while scheduled updates keep your site up to date. 
  • Socrates-powered virtual assistant provides conversational, on-demand answers to employee questions. 
  • Optional gamification module lets employees participate in activities, share their perspectives, unlock exclusive content and compete with peers.
  • Available single sign-on (SSO) to outside platforms and tools, as well as optional authenticated access to personalized information and data. 
  • Fully mobile-responsive design supports employees and family members wherever they are, on any device. 

Scalable to meet your needs


Belong scales to meet your company’s current and future needs ─ from a deep dive into a single topic to a full HR portal.


Our Socrates-powered virtual assistant scans your Belong site to provide clear, instant answers to employee questions. It can also integrate with your existing digital ecosystem — no more guessing where to go for what.


Benefits of Belong


For employees


  • Easy to get answers and take action 
  • Provides a meaningful, personalized experience
  • Creates a sense of community and belonging

For HR


  • Easy to implement and maintain
  • Helps attract and retain top talent
  • Alleviates HR from day-to-day employee support

For your organization


  • Easy to customize to your needs 
  • Strengthens company culture and brand  
  • Drives year-round employee engagement 

Ready to learn more?

Belong is easy to implement, use and maintain


It has never been easier to create a satisfying digital experience for your employees. Belong includes:



  • Expert-guided implementation to get you up and running in three to six months or less
  • Best-practice content developed by Mercer’s experts, pre-loaded and ready to be customized to your needs
  • A virtual assistant powered by Socrates that helps employees get what they need instantly and effortlessly
  • Automatic updates, site support and upgrades to keep your site fresh, current, and compliant
  • A content management tool that lets you make simple site updates yourselves, or turn to Mercer for help with more complex ones
  • Site usage analytics to give you valuable workforce insights and help shape your future strategy


Why Mercer?


With deep expertise across health, benefits and communications, Mercer understands the needs of both employers and employees. We use the newest digital technologies to educate, engage and inspire your employees. Helping companies form meaningful connections with employees about their benefits, careers and well-being – wherever they are, on any device – is our goal.

Belong at work


3 million+ employees

300+ active clients

20+ countries

All industries

Built on Sitecore, a leader in digital experience platforms

Request a demo

Discover how Mercer Belong can transform your employee experience and drive engagement to new levels. To schedule a demo, please provide your details below.

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