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of companies saying their employees are now working more due to the labor shortage.1


of employees wants fully remote or hybrid work moving forward.2



2 Mercer’s Flexible Working Policies and Practices Survey, August 2021 (Employer); Mercer’s Inside Employees’ Minds Study of 2,000 Employees, August 2021 (Employee)


It’s not just a great resignation – it’s a great reckoning


The job market was breaking records before the pandemic hit, the economy came to a screeching halt, and millions of Americans were furloughed or laid off. Then, as the economy began to recover, many employees went back to work - but some didn’t. Now, Americans are quitting their jobs at record rates.


The ‘great resignation’ is more of a great reckoning: a shift in what workers value and what they’re looking for from their employer. Employers need a new playbook to respond, and we can help with that.




Today's marco trends are pressuring employers to transform their health and benefits programs:

solutions for large enterprise

Labor Shortages and the War on Talent:

3 in 10 employees are considering leaving their employer – (Source: Mercer Inside Employees’ Minds)

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Cost Growth:

The average per-employee cost of employer-sponsored health insurance jumped 6.3% in 2021 as employees and their families resumed care after avoiding it last year due to the pandemic. (source: 2021 Mercer National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans)

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27% of employees are not confident they can afford the healthcare their family needs. (source: 2021 Mercer Health on Demand)

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Stress and Mental Health:

59% of employees in the US said they feel extremely, highly, or somewhat stressed on a daily basis (source: 2021 Mercer Health on Demand)

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Point Solution Overload:

Employees receiving 10 or more benefits were the most positive about their employers, their jobs, and their ability to afford the care they need. How can employers determine how best to support their employees’ with the growing market of solutions (source: health on demand)

solutions for large enterprise

Enhanced Employee Experience:

Employees who felt well-supported by employers were less likely (25%) to view their pandemic experience as mostly negative compared to employees who did not feel supported (51%). (source health on demand)


Together, we’re leading a revolution that can address pains and aspirations, costs and goals, while providing tangible value for everyone.


The revolution

is underway

Are you ready to join us in transforming the system to help drive better outcomes for you and your employees?




Why Large Enterprises Choose Mercer


We’re committed to helping large employers find cost-effective and innovative solutions to complex health, benefits and workforce challenges today — for a better tomorrow.


At Mercer, we guide companies with data-driven insights, thoughtful strategies, and a holistic approach with consulting, brokerage and technology to customize solutions that help support your employees and their families to live healthier, happier and more productive lives.


Mercer’s Large and Jumbo Employer team is continually focused on unlocking new value for employers through our:


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Stay informed with our take on the latest news and research on health and benefits, including insights from our experts and thought leaders.

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Meet with a consultant to discover how Mercer can help a large enterprise like yours successfully revolutionize your health and benefits. 

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