The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work and live. No doubt a focus on values is critical to long-range success. And flexible, sustainable work models and business practices are the keys to addressing both today’s realities and tomorrow’s challenges. Play a brief video to hear from Mercer’s thought leader Kate Bravery on how to reinvent the new shape of work.



Organizations are now reinventing for value, flexibility and sustainability. Explore these interconnected avenues to the new shape of work - each area will help you uncover new opportunities.


Reinvent for value

 Design for new business realities

How can you uncover new sources of value and ensure business sustainability in uncertain times? Learn more →

Design around what people value


What really matters to your employees? How should your employee value proposition evolve, and how you can create the optimal journey for your people? Learn more →

Design benefits that truly benefit

How do you ensure your benefits address the emotional, physical and financial needs of a multi-generational and diverse workforce? How can you best enhance their well-being? Learn more →


Reinvent for flexibility

Design for flexible working

Which jobs can be done flexibly? What are the current and aspirational states of your employee flexibility practices? How can you get there? Learn more →

Design for a skills edge

Do you know your future workforce needs? How can a skills lens help you redesign for greater flexibility and diversity in your workforce, work practices and work models? Learn more →

Design for digital

How can you effectively deliver on your digital roadmap? And how can HR accelerate its digitalization to meet transformation goals? Learn more →


Reinvent for sustainability

Design for sustainable transformation

How can you make progress on sustainable transformation? Learn more →

Design for responsible employment

How can you be the employer of choice? How can you offer responsible rewards for your workforce? Learn more →

Design for diversity, equity and inclusion

How can you drive equality of opportunity, experience and pay in your workforce? Learn more →

Contact us

Mercer helps clients adapt and thrive through change every day. At times of uncertainty, we remain a trusted advisor and we are here to support you. Contact us below:

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