Five key areas financial intermediaries should consider in 2023

Advisors and their clients need to be adaptable to the challenges that lie ahead. Mercer has identified six areas for financial intermediaries to consider – areas we believe are critical for long-term success in 2023.

  • Top 5 areas of focus in 2023
    Positioning clients for success

    Advisors and their clients need to be adaptable to the challenges that lie ahead. Mercer has identified six areas for financial intermediaries to consider – areas we believe are critical for long-term success in 2023.

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    Top 5 areas of focus in 2023
  • Non-US Core Equity Fund
    Non-US Core Equity Fund

    The Non-US Core Equity Fund (MNCSX) aims to provide long-term total return, which includes capital appreciation and income. It employs a multi-manager investment approach and is diversified across a range of non-US growth- and value-oriented equity securities of companies of any capitalization.

    Learn more
    Non-US Core Equity Fund
  • 2022 survey results
    New sources of value in managing wealth

    Our 2022 Wealth Management Survey, which canvassed the views of providers all around the world, found a push into alternative and private markets is high on our investors’ agendas as a way to generate new returns along with a focus on new approaches to sustainability. However, paramount to the majority of respondents was a commitment to raising service levels to clients. Find out how wealth managers around the world are gearing up to the next step on their client and growth journey.

    View results
    2022 survey results


Looking for independent investment advice and implemented solutions to meet your needs as a wealth management firm or financial intermediary? Having to constantly evaluate and adjust to the shifting landscape can be difficult — particularly as economic, political, and other factors affect markets and investment outlooks. As one of the largest investment consultants worldwide, we can leverage our global infrastructure to help advance your investment management capabilities. You can better meet today’s challenges by offering innovative investment strategies to your clients. Our solutions can help standardize your investment process while allowing you to build customized relationships.

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Our goal is to help financial intermediaries overcome today’s market challenges by improving governance, reducing costs, & enhancing their client’s return potential.
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David Hyman, CFA
David Hyman, CFA
Financial Intermediaries, U.S. Segment Leader, Mercer

Mercer Wealth Manager Solutions Spectrum of Services

Click on boxes below to read three different scenarios of how we can work with you.(1)

multi-user Do it myself
Tools and Research

• Client situation: Large private US bank wanted to expand its research library to better service clients and financial advisors and stay ahead of the complex investment environment.

• Mercer solution: We provided access to Mercer’s Global Investment Manager Database (GIMD) containing all of Mercer’s manager research – investment and operational, and ability to access ESG and asset allocation expertise.
• Results: Individual investors were able to access stronger investment portfolios while our client was able to reduce its operating costs versus further building out its investment teams.





• Client situation: An RIA needed help developing goals-based portfolios that reflected its unique client base.

• Mercer solution: Our consulting team worked with the RIA to develop customized model portfolios that incorporated Mercer’s best thinking with its own client’s needs across a range of goals, risk tolerances, and tax-status.
• Results: RIA enhanced its investment management capabilities and was able to provide innovative investment strategies for its clients.


OCIO Solutions

• Client situation: A multi-family office wanted to incorporate alternative strategies into its clients’ investment programs but didn’t have the resources to build and manage a diversified strategy.

• Mercer solution: The team leveraged Mercer’s portfolio management and back-office teams to deliver an institutional-quality alternatives offering at competitive fees with a single set of documents to execute.
• Results: Multi-family office was able to reduce its operating costs and scale its investment offering.


multi-user Do it for me

Investment Manager Research

We have 198+ research-dedicated professionals around the world that go beyond just performance numbers with forward-looking, qualitative assessments that highlight the risks and opportunities of each strategy and the team behind the strategy.

Asset Allocation Model Portfolios

Asset Allocation Model Portfolios

The most important decision for an investor is asset allocation. Our team of capital markets experts and wealth management experts can provide our standard reference portfolios or work with you to build a customized suite of portfolios across the risk spectrum that reflect the unique circumstances of your client base.

Learn more

Multi-Manager Strategies

Whether you are seeking to fill a specific asset class or an entire portfolio, you can leverage our research and scale through multi-manager strategies.


From Remote Delivery of Research to Hands-On Delegated

As a wealth management firm or financial fiduciary today, you need to provide a differentiated offering to your clients. We have the flexibility to develop strategies for you — from remote delivery of research to hands-on, delegated decision making. When you leverage Mercer’s proven and industry-leading investment research and/or investment management capabilities, you free up more time to focus on what’s far more important: the changes you want to bring about in your client’s lives.


Research dedicated professionals around the world.2

$15 Trillion

In assets under advisement (AUA).3

$331 Billion

Global delegated assets under management (AUM).4

Years in investments business.



Why Choose Mercer for Wealth Manager Solutions?


Wealth management firms and leading financial intermediaries work with Mercer to take advantage of our investment research, advice, and implementation services. We can help your organization generate investment ideas, perform due diligence, and/or assess operational and fiduciary risks. We can help — whatever your needs. For nearly five decades, we’ve been providing advice to institutional investors.


  • Flexible service model: We can customize strategies to fit your needs — from an advisory role to delegation. This includes custom fund creation and management.
  • Global scale: We are one of the largest investment consultants worldwide with 880 investment professionals, and 198+ research-dedicated managers. AUA of $15 trillion in assets, and AUM of $331 billion
  • World-class research: We provide in-depth access to insightful and forward-looking independent research across traditional and alternative asset classes.



Young man talking on his mobile phone in office. African executive sitting at his desk with laptop


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     1  These case studies are illustrations of Mercer's capabilities provided to certain clients.  Client results will vary and there can be no guarantee of similar results.

     2 Information as of  March 31, 2019

     3  Information as of June 30, 2019

    4  Information as of January 31, 2020


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