Healthcare Reform and American Businesses

Employers continue to lead the way in improving health and financial outcomes through innovative benefit strategies and programs. Mercer partnered with the American Benefits Council to showcase employer innovations from a variety of organizations. A new report from the Council demonstrates the value and impact: Employers spent $4.45 on health benefits for every $1 of tax expenditure.


According to the US Census Bureau, 180 million Americans currently have employer-sponsored health insurance — more than half the country, surpassing Medicare and Medicaid and dwarfing the number of people covered in the individual market. In fact, according to a new study by the American Benefits Council, as many as 113 million workers who now receive valuable health benefits through their employer would otherwise not be able to afford or would choose not to purchase health insurance.

Read more about the impact employer-sponsored health benefits have on American families.

That’s why Mercer and the American Benefits Council have partnered to bring forward case studies of how employers are transforming the way healthcare is delivered from the inside out. The experiences and outcomes from these efforts have the potential to fundamentally improve healthcare for all Americans.


Learn more:


How Employers Can Lead the Healthcare Transformation 

Watch our animated video on the employer-led healthcare transformation to learn how organizations like yours can start to think and act differently to effect change.

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