Why pay equity? Why now?

Now more than ever, gender and racial pay equity has become a critical priority for C-Suite and HR leaders, requiring organizations to take a more active and strategic role to ensure that there is equity in their workforce.


The pressure on organizations to report on pay equity has grown substantially – from increased risk of legal exposure to new disclosure pressures from governments, activist investors, peer organizations, and employees. With intense media scrutiny, effective brand management also requires a focus on both pay equity and pay transparency.


Organizations that include pay equity analysis as a core part of their annual compensation reviews can limit legal risk, proactively prepare disclosure, and accelerate workforce diversity.

Drill down on pay gaps


Watch the video to learn how organizations can effectively drive pay equity through comprehensive pay equity analysis.

How we help


We help organizations effectively address pay equity and ensure fairness in their rewards. Mercer works with companies locally and globally to:

Clarify country-specific disclosure requirements and support required audit processes.

Run calculations for local reporting and develop templates for repeatable use.

Review and efficiently manage global pay equity, relying on an objective analytic approach.


Our approach

Mercer’s approach to pay equity is informed by many years of impactful collaboration with the world’s leading companies. Based on statistical methods that conform to the highest standards, our approach is designed for sustainable impact.


  • We rely on a combination of consulting and technology to pair our statistical and contextual expertise with your knowledge on your organization's compensation system and employee-specific circumstances.
  • For analysis, our economists, psychologists, and statisticians bring domain knowledge and applied experience that is hard to find, build, or replace with technology.
  • The Pay Equity Calculator™, our unique web-based tool, helps your team investigate areas of risk, consider the impact of different adjustment scenarios, and track the decision process for individual employees.

Ready to learn more?

Learn more about our pay equity analysis offerings and see the Pay Equity Calculator in action.

Pay equity analysis

Learn more about Mercer’s three step approach to pay equity and our Pay Equity Calculator tool.


Mercer’s Pay Equity Calculator

This robust and unique web-based tool is delivered following our assessment and pre-loaded with your results, enabling your team to drive the review process.


Key features:


  • Drill down into pay gaps: Review pay gaps by gender and race/ethnicity, and investigate pay distributions group-by-group
  • Consider remediation options: Experiment with different adjustment strategies and create custom strategies for specific groups
  • Assess impact: Evaluate the impact of actions on pay gaps and budgets, review individual-level outliers, and document special-case situations

Contact us

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