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Skills edge infographics



  • Understanding which skills are needed in the future
  • Building a more agile organization
  • Identifying which employees to upskill
  • Getting pay for skills right

Get the insights you need to advance skills-based talent and pay practices in your organization with Mercer’s comprehensive suite of consulting, data, and technology services and applications.

Transform your workforce through skills-based talent practices

Transformation demands deconstructing jobs to units of skill and updating talent models so skills become the basis for defining work, deploying talent, managing careers, and valuing employees.


Making the move from jobs to skills affects how you approach workforce planning, reskilling/upskilling, performance management, your internal talent marketplace, succession planning, pay, and talent acquisition.



Attract and retain critical talent by advancing pay for skills

Set up your organization for a successful future by implementing a robust pay for skills strategy. By proactively filling skills gaps and paying for the skills most important to your organization, your team will become more agile, flexible and future-proof.


Balance your short-term tactical needs with longer-term transformational objectives with these flexible products within the Mercer Skills-Edge Suite: Skills Library, Skills Pricer, and Skills Pay Planner.


Benefits of a skill-based talent and rewards model

Understand the
skills needed to support
your future strategy

Re-envision your talent
to meet
business demand

Build a healthy and resilient talent ecosystem, with skills as the currency of the new model

Is your organization ready to advance skills-based practices?


Take this diagnostic to assess the maturity of skills structures and reskilling processes in your organization, identify areas of opportunities and get tips on next steps immediately!


Our experts 

Brian Fisher

Brian Fisher

Global Solutions Leader, Mercer


Brian partners with clients to address their future of work challenges related to skills and career. With more than 20 years of combined corporate and consulting experience, Brian has helped shape Mercer’s point of view and solutions around skill-based talent practices.


Heather Ryan

Heather Ryan

Compensation and Rewards Category Leader, Mercer


Heather specializes in building and delivering data and technology solutions that help companies reward their key talent and skills. She leads product innovation and renovations, strategic partnerships, and new data solution launches which includes Mercer’s latest pay for skills suite of products.


Connect with our experts to find out more