Employees know what is important to their futures – are employers listening?


In today’s increasingly dynamic work environment, organizations must effectively source and leverage people insights in order to attract and retain talent. Listening to how employees feel at work is key to understanding, measuring, and improving the employee experience.


According to Mercer’s 2021 Global Talent Trends Study, five aspects of the employee experience that have changed the most due to the pandemic include how to work flexibly, manage/coach employees we don’t see every day, onboard, work and collaborate in distributed or virtual networks, and hire.


Gaining actionable insights – at the right time – is the key to building a stronger workforce. 

Listen to your employees to create a stronger and more inclusive culture.


Watch video: Learn how an employee listening strategy can help your organization on it's diversity, equity, and inclusion journey.

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If you don’t measure it, did it happen? As organizations invest in improving the employee experience, they must measure impact in new ways.
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Source: Mercer's 2021 Global Talent Trends Study

Listening throughout the employee lifecycle


The data used to improve the employee experience need not be limited to an annual employee engagement survey. Leading organizations are tuned into the experiences of their workforce, listening at scale throughout the employee lifecycle, including key moments like onboarding, life events, and transitions. Ongoing listening enables you to make important connections between the various experiences your employees have at work and your organization’s performance outcomes. Through an Unmet Needs Analysis you can gather critical insight into your workforces’ biggest concerns to better optimize your employee value proposition.

Asking the right questions at the right times allows you to design interventions and continuously enhance the employee experience.

How we help


Our employee research spans all aspects of the employee experience – employee engagement, team effectiveness, leadership, and organizational culture – to help you better understand your people and drive positive business outcomes. We help organizations:

Measure what matters


We build strategic listening programs that combine the right methodologies with content and agile technology.

Deliver people insights


More than data, dashboards, and reports, we deliver integrative analytics and insights for action.

Drive change and action


Our dynamic design thinking strategies empower leaders, managers, and HR to drive positive change.


Our capabilities


Employee experience insights solutions


Capture people insights with our tailored solutions.

  • Enterprise employee engagement and continuous listening: Tap into the employee experience with ad hoc employee engagement surveys, your annual census, recurring pulses, and listening programs for “moments that matter” — all optimized for fully managed and self-service platforms.
  • Digital focus groups: Crowdsourced insights from your people on a wide range of topics through scalable, open, and interactive dialogue.
  • Preference research: Understand what your people value – their preferences, priorities, and expectations – to sharpen and personalize the employee value proposition
  • 360-degree feedback: Experience effortless deployment powered by deep expertise. Actionable insights highlight the way forward for individual and group development.


Employee experience insights advisory services

Whether you are running an annual employee engagement survey program, exploring new employee listening methods, or trying to make sense of reams of data from continuous listening systems, Mercer has the expertise to guide you.

  • Employee experience and strategic design programs: Evolve your employee listening strategy and build your future with collaborative discovery and design programs.
  • Deployment services: Get the insights you need from targeted, event-based polls, ongoing employee listening, and recurring employee engagement surveys. We provide the support to target and address critical action items.
  • Data integration, utilization, and analytics: Integrate, analyze, and draw insight from quantitative and qualitative data compiled from employee feedback, HRIS, business metrics, and more.
  • Design change and action planning: Leverage design-thinking principles to define and build solutions for your people priorities.


Pulse survey platform

Deliver strategic listening programs with Mercer’s pulse survey platform. Your organization will benefit from real-time insights, a customized experience, targeted effectiveness, meaningful actions, and industry-leading service and support. 


Key features: 

  • Rich, validated content library with hundreds of benchmarked questions
  • Simple and engaging survey experience for employees
  • Access surveys via desktop or mobile device 
  • Automated, real-time reporting and insights
  • Interactive, rich data displays that allow you to explore results and trends
  • Best practice guidance to help you turn data into impact

Solution spotlight

Stay continuously connected to your employees and gain actionable people insights.


Digital focus groups

A digital focus group enables your organization to obtain people insights in a live, collective conversation. Mercer’s digital focus groups provide an open dialogue between a moderator and potentially hundreds of conversation participants with real-time AI insights to distill themes and sentiment from qualitative feedback.


Understand your employees' perspectives. Encourage honesty and authenticity with complete anonymity. Provide an open dialogue that follows the interesting and directional insights as they arise real-time. Dive deeper into specific challenges, and diagnose gaps in your organization.


Stay connected to your people to inform evidence-based decisions.


Why Mercer?

Our experts have the tools, deep knowledge, and experience to evolve your employee listening strategy and programs. Combining over fifty years of employee experience research with the latest in the science of employee engagement and change management, our experts help deliver strategic listening programs that enhance the employee experience and drive organizational performance.


We offer advisory capabilities and technologies that span all aspects of the employee experience, including employee engagement, team effectiveness, leadership, and culture.


Our global reach includes 130 countries, 80 languages, and local consultants.

Connect with us

Learn how Mercer can help you develop an effective employee listening strategy, employee engagement surveys, and more.

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