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MercerInsight®, an alliance with eVestment, is a powerful digital platform designed to help sophisticated investors make better-informed decisions. The platform offers Mercer's forward looking manager ratings and research along with data and analytics on a wide range of asset classes. Subscribers can access Mercer’s ESG ratings and Operational Due Diligence reports on thousands of strategies. With 200+ dedicated professionals globally, Mercer’s manager research boutiques provide truly global coverage on investment managers across both public and private markets. Built on eVestment’s best in class platform, MercerInsight, an alliance with eVestment allows you to monitor existing managers and select new ones from a list of candidates matching your criteria.


Join many of the world's largest asset owners on the platform today, and get access to the information you need for better decision-making.

MercerInsight, an alliance with eVestment provides access to data, analytics and Mercer’s forward-looking manager ratings and research across both public and private markets to any device, at any time.









Types of clients

Pension plans     |     Public plans     |     Sovereign wealth funds     |     Not for profits     |     Insurers     |     Multimanagers     |     Wealth Management firms

What's in it for investors

Access a trusted second opinion


Leverage the expertise of a global partner with research specialists on the ground ensuring comprehensive global and local coverage.

Generate new investment ideas


Discover new investment managers and products from the largest institutional database in the market.

Leverage in-depth insights on ESG and DEI


Access Mercer’s qualitative ESG assessments, ratings and in-depth ESG and DEI data on thousands of strategies.

Monitor your portfolio with best in class analytics


Utilize robust screening capabilities and bespoke metrics to create custom reports.

Insights for asset managers




Mercer Modules for Mercer Trends


Essentials, Enhanced and Premium


Mercer universes, strategy ESG ratings, aggregated actual fees of thousands of Mercer clients and Mercer market intelligence are all now available on the eVestment platform through Mercer Trends.


Find out more here


MercerInsight® Community


In addition to manager research through MercerInsight®, the Mercerinsight® Community offers free personalized, curated research on the latest topics to help you make informed decisions about your investments.


Let’s talk about MercerInsight, an alliance with eVestment

If you are an Asset Owner and you are interested in how MercerInsight, an alliance with eVestment can help you, contact a product specialist below.

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