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Martine Ferland

Martine Ferland

President and Chief Executive Officer, Mercer
Vice Chair, Marsh McLennan







Diverse Group People Working Together

  • Transcript

    What does it mean to be who I truly am? Being who you truly are means that you get to live in your power. It means taking a stand for yourself. It means speaking up for what you believe in. It means that you can speak freely and happily about your family, your love, life, your partner. It means having a weight lifted off your shoulders. It's about being authentic. It's about being real. It's about being solid and secure. Being about to show your identities and being able to say to the world, “this is who I am and I love it.” Because when I think about being my true self, especially now in this climate, I think about the fact that I have this kind of multiplicity of identities. I am a gay black man that's a father, a husband, I am a mother. I am a lesbian. I am Latina. I am bisexual. I’m trans and I don't do labels. I am gender queer and I'm so proud about it. I am truly just a human being, trying to have impact in the world. I'm a part of the whole. And I love who I am and I’d love for anyone else who has all of these intersectionality is to own them and to be proud of them and to carry them with them whatever they do. And so when we think about pride and why it's so important, especially now with what's going on, let's think about the Black community and let's think about the gay Black community. Like Black Lives Matter as an amplification of pride, like as a highlighting of the additional voices in the community that are black. And it's important that we use all the things that we can, whether it's our voices or the privilege that we have, the privilege that I have as a white man to raise the voices of people who might not otherwise be heard. Because we have a responsibility to the other ones, generations to keep fighting more rights, more equality. It's no longer good enough to just say, “oh, you have equal rights, that's okay” or “I don't see a problem” or “I don't see color, I don't see queerness.” It's not good enough anymore. You have to educate yourself. And I think that's what pride this year is about. It's about justice. It's about fighting for visibility. It's about fighting for equality. It's about fighting for human decency. It's about diversity. It's about being accepted. It's about making sure that you feel that you can occupy space in this world. It's about everyone being welcome at the table. And that is pride. Like I can see my human in you.




Representation: 社員の多様性は、私たちが生活し、働く地域社会を反映しています。マーサーの社員、ならびにインクルージョンとダイバーシティへのコミットメントについての詳細は こちら

Belonging: 社員の多様性に対して、目に見えるAllies(アライ)とスポンサーとなるリーダー、ピープル・マネージャー、同僚を育成しています。

Thriving: すべての社員に公平な学習機会、能力開発、昇進、報酬を提供しています。


• マーサーグローバルでの施策に加えて、マーサージャパンでは、各部門の代表者からなるInclusion and Diversity カウンシルを組織し、カウンシルのリードのもと、社員主体でInclusiveな組織づくりを進めています。


• 全社員が、トレーニングやワークショップを通じて、無意識の偏見や思い込みを客観視したり、新しい考えを取り入れる機会を持つことで、各人の力を発揮しやすい環境づくりを進め、多様性を組織としての強みにかえています。



Japan I&D Council

インクルージョン&ダイバーシティ カウンシル活動の目的

• 社員の多様性を尊重し、個々人の強みを活かして最大限の能力を発揮できる組織環境を醸成する


• 多様性を戦略的に活かすことで変化し続けるビジネス環境や多様化するクライアントニーズに効果的に対応し、またイノベーションの誘発を促進する.

japan diversity and inclusion council objectives


Opinion Diversity / Inclusive Culture


A diverse mixed-gender team stacking hands together





・全社 心理的安全性トレーニング



Unconscious Bias / Advocacy


business people group in modern office have a team meeting and brainstorming while working on tablet or laptop  presenting ideas and take notes




・全社/管理職向け アンコンシャスバイアス トレーニング



Adaptive Working: Maintaining Work Life Integration


Young East Asian mother with child smiling















flexible green



Future of Work及び社員のWellbeingをサポートするため、マーサーではハイブリッドな働き方を奨励しています。会社ではいと社員同士の繋がりを強め、仕事で最大限の能力を発揮し活躍できるようサポートします。そして個人、チーム、会社、クライアントのニーズに応えられるようなFlexibleな働き方ができる職場を目指しています。

pink flag




globe green






Listening better









Leadership accountability




Business resource groups (BRGs)



BRGは、マーサーの多様性ビジョン達成のために自発的に協力する仲間で構成され、当社の文化や環境の向上に重要な役割を担っています。各 BRG は、組織全体から独自のユニークなアイデアを集約し、最高の人材の採用、育成、引き留め、多様化する顧客との協働や社外コミュニティとの連携の強化に焦点を当てています。


現在、マーサーには、以下のコミュニティからなるBRGがあります。Racial&Ethnic Diversity、Women@Mercer、Rising Professionals Network、AccessABILITIES、PRIDEです。

Diversity Matters at Mercer Women at Mercer logo

acessabilities at mercer logo

diversity matters at mercer logo racial and ethnic diversity

diversity matters at mercer logo rising proffesionals network

Mercer Cares logo

Awards and recognition

We are proud to be recognized by leading publications, associations and studies for our achievements. Featured awards include:

Individual recognition

  • Tony Wood, UK Leader MMB, 2021, OUTstanding LGBT+ exec role model (fourth consecutive year)


  • Rich Nuzum, President, Wealth, 2019 EMBARGO Project 1,000 campaign
  • Rich Nuzum, President, Wealth, and Mark McNulty, Partner, Wealth, 2019 #50for50 Campaign for LGBTQ+ Equality
  • Joanna O’Riordan, Global Operations Director, MSC, 2019 Excellence in Working with a Charity Award in Recognition of Trail Blazing Best Practice in Gender Balanced Leadership
  • Claire Skinner, Principal, Wealth, 2019 Women in Pensions Role Model of the Year

Corporate inclusion and diversity

Corporate social responsibility

The corporate Engagement Awards 2021 logo

Empresa Socialmente Responsable logo

NYC service logo

Certificado Responsabilidad Social logo

AmCham singapore logo

Volunteer Wellington Te Puna Tautoko logo