Benefit Flexibility
| Feb 08 2018

Mercer Ranks #1 in Employee Benefit Adviser’s Top 50 Benefits Brokerages

Mercer Health and Benefits ranked first in Employee Benefit Adviser’s Top 50 Benefits Brokerages in the Large-Group Market for the fourth consecutive year. During an interview with Employee Benefit Adviser, Todd Renner, Mercer’s U.S. health and benefits enterprise and midmarket leader, accredits the ranking to strong mid-market penetration. “What makes us successful is our ability to translate the successes that we’re seeing in the jumbo market and bring that to the midmarket,” he says.

Renner also references down-market flow of intellectual capital, practical innovation, and the technology and consumerism embedded in Mercer Marketplace, the brokerage’s private health exchange solution, as some of the driving forces. He also commends Mercer’s local teams and their strong understanding of the regional healthcare market, along with support from national and global resources.

To learn more about the ranking, click here

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