Health Innovation | Mercer U.S.

Health Innovation - Mercer U.S.

  • 180 million

    Those facts add up to an important opportunity: With Mercer, employers can tap into innovations to positively impact health costs and outcomes for their business and employees. We’re here to disrupt current trends and put more power in employers’ hands.


  • $880 billion

    Those facts add up to an important opportunity: With Mercer, employers can tap into innovations to positively impact health costs and outcomes for their business and employees. We’re here to disrupt current trends and put more power in employers’ hands.


  • 50%

    Those facts add up to an important opportunity: With Mercer, employers can tap into health Innovations to positively impact health costs and outcomes for their business and employees. We’re here to disrupt current trends and put more power in employers’ hands.


Those facts add up to an important opportunity: With Mercer, employers can tap into innovations to positively impact health costs and outcomes for their business and employees. We’re here to disrupt current trends and put more power in employers’ hands.



Why Should Health Innovation Be Part of Your Benefits Strategy?

Employers provide health coverage for 180 million people in the US.1 Other industry stakeholders — health systems, health insurers and public entities — play significant roles in shaping the healthcare system. Now is the time for employers to work together as a stakeholder group and with other stakeholders to inform the creation of a higher quality, more transparent healthcare market for all.

Mercer’s Center for Health Innovation (CHI) works side by side with employers of all sizes and employer coalitions to solve big problems by bringing practical and relevant ideas to life. Our goal is a powerful one: to transform the market in meaningful ways. 


Our approach

Innovation with Purpose —
— Provides actionable and practical solutions that yield measurable results. 


How Employers Benefit From Mercer’s Center for Health Innovation

Employers know the power of collective influence in the marketplace. CHI aims to harness that influence for real healthcare change. We develop creative solutions and thought leadership for employers by collaborating with clients, startups, nonprofits and academia to deliver meaningful outcomes.


CHI includes Mercer LABS, a San Francisco-based group of individuals who work with health tech startups. They learn what’s out there and what could be — and build connections between the two to bring new ideas and technology solutions to employers. The CHI LABS startup database, the largest in the industry, includes deep insights created by industry experts on over 600 tech startups that are transforming the industry.


We’re embracing a philosophy of open, actionable innovation to generate solutions that solve challenges specific to both mid-size businesses and large employers. Our approach encompasses: 


How Employers Benefit From Mercer’s Center for Health Innovation

Employers know the power of collective influence in the marketplace. CHI aims to harness that influence for real healthcare change. We develop creative solutions and thought leadership for employers by collaborating with clients, startups, nonprofits and academia to deliver meaningful outcomes.


CHI includes Mercer LABS, a San Francisco-based group of individuals who work with health tech startups. They learn what’s out there and what could be — and build connections between the two to bring new ideas and technology solutions to employers. The CHI LABS startup database, the largest in the industry, includes deep insights created by industry experts on over 600 tech startups that are transforming the industry.


We’re embracing a philosophy of open, actionable innovation to generate solutions that solve challenges specific to both mid-size businesses and large employers. Our approach encompasses: 


Learn More About CHI: 

At Mercer, we are improving the lives of 110 million people every day and impacting the bottom line for 26,000 clients.

Mercer ranked the No. 1 HR consulting firm for the 15th year in a row.

We are at a tipping point in this country ... at Mercer, we see ourselves as true partners with our clients – and with employers as a whole – on this transformation.

— Renya Spak

Partner, Center for Health Innovation

Center for Health Innovation Insights
Stay informed with our take on the latest news and research impacting the health and benefits arena — with insights from our respected experts and reflective thought leaders.


            1 US Census Bureau "Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2017"

            2 Integrated Benefits Institute, The Business Cost of Poor Health", November 2018

            3 2018 Alegeus Consumer Health and Financial Fluency Report.


Contact us
What healthcare obstacles are you facing? We love the challenge of delivering innovative healthcare solutions to help your organization thrive.