
雇用形態 正社員

募集職種 新卒採用
募集中のポジションはMarsh McLenann CareersまたはLinkedInにて公開
勤務地 マーサージャパン 東京オフィスまたは関西オフィス
給与 当社規定による
昇給 年1回(原則)
賞与 年1回 ※業績に応じて支給
勤務時間 原則午前9時~午後17時30分(一日の所定労働時間7時間30分)
休日休暇 土日、国民の祝日、年末年始(12月28日~1月3日)、年次有給休暇、私傷病休暇、慶弔休暇、ボランティア休暇、産前産後休暇、育児・介護休業、子の看護休暇、介護休暇、裁判員制度休暇、その他特別休暇
諸手当 通勤手当
固定残業手当、時間外勤務手当、休日勤務手当 ※該当する職位のみ
保険 健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険、団体加入保険(生命保険、医療保険、団体長期障害所得補償保険等)
福利厚生 退職金制度、慶弔見舞金、レクリエーション補助制度、MMC Stock Purchase Plan など



マーサージャパン タレントアクイジションチーム

Interview Tips

At Mercer, we aim to be the career destination for the best talent. We promise to help you grow by providing challenging and meaningful work, tools and training to develop professionally, and rewards for your performance and contributions to the organization.


Finding the right colleagues to help us succeed starts with the application process. We strive to provide an accurate picture of the role, answer questions, discuss short- and long-term development opportunities and give a feel for our company culture.


Are You Ready to Apply?

Have a copy of your resume and your updated LinkedIn profile ready. Then, click here to submit your application through our online system.


After you submit your application, you’ll get an email confirmation that we’ve received your resume. If you look like a good match for the position, a talent acquisition consultant will speak with you via video or phone. If that goes well, you’ll meet with Mercer colleagues within the business you’re applying to.


Not ready to apply? Don’t see the right open position for you? Connect with us for consideration for future open positions.


Join our Talent Community.


Before Your Interview

  • Take a trip to the office so you know where it’s located and how long it takes to get there.
  • Prepare some things to say about why you’re interested in Mercer.
  • Think about how your skills and experience align with the requirements in the job description; be prepared to provide specific examples.
  • Jot down some questions for your interviewer.
  • Do some research on Mercer, including recent news, and the people you are interviewing with (for example, on LinkedIn).

On the Day of Your Interview

  • Arrive no more than 5–10 minutes early for your meeting.
  • Turn off your cell phone.
  • Bring a few extra copies of your resume.


After Your Interview

  • Send a thank-you email to each person with whom you interviewed, recapping your interest in the role.
  • Keep in touch with the talent acquisition consultant. Share your thoughts on the interview and your level of interest in the position and learn about next steps.

Join Our Community

You’ll have access to a network of more than 6,000 Mercer colleagues around the world and be the first to know about Mercer’s latest innovations, culture change initiatives, job openings and more.