Evaluation process of DC provider and investment options in Japan



Whilst the DC plan sponsors generally outsource large proportion of its operation to DC provider, the Japanese DC regulations legally require plan sponsors to conduct regular assessments of product line-up and DC related services since it could significantly influence participant’s investment outcomes.

In this seminar, Mercer Japan's consultant will present best practices of the assessment; explaining recent legislative updates on the Japanese DC regulations. This seminar will be conducted in both Japanese (on July 15) and English (on July 20). It would be very much appreciated if you could also share this link with your overseas Head Office, relevant Local Office and regional colleagues who may have interest in this subject matter.

In Japanese



  1. Legal requirement of plan sponsors
  2. DC provider assessment
  3. DC product line-up assessment
  4. Recent trend in line-up


Target person

HR, finance personnel in charge of overseeing the Japan entity's retirement benefits





Date and time 
20 July 2022 (Wed)


Entry fee
Free event




Holding method




永島 武偉


Bui Nagashima
Pension Consulting, Senior Actuary

Bui Nagashima specializes in the analysis of actuarial valuation of pension plans and plan design.
At Mercer, he has led many plan design projects for multinational and domestic companies. He is currently responsible for the Retirement Benefit Survey. Prior to joining Mercer in 2015, he previously worked for the pension department of a leading trust bank, where he was involved in funding/accounting valuations and plan design projects.
He received Master’s Degree from Economic department in University of Tokyo and he is a Fellow of Institute of Actuaries of Japan and a Certified Pension Actuary.

木下 智雄


Tomoo Kinoshita
Investment Consulting, Senior Investment Consultant, CAIA, CMA

Tomoo Kinoshita joined Mercer in 2017 and has engaged in investment advisory for public and private pension funds. Previously, Tomoo Kinoshita worked at Credit Suisse providing fixed income investment plans. Prior to that, he worked at Ernst & Young and Bank of Yokohama.
Mr. Kinoshita holds a BS in Science and Engineering from Keio University and a MBA from Chinese University of Hong Kong.



Mercer Japan Pension Consulting
E-mail: retirement.japan@mercer.com