Overview of the Japanese social insurance structure and trends in benefits insurances - Designing attractive benefit insurance programs -

12 April 2022 Japan, 東京


  • セミナーの詳細はこちらをクリックしてください


    *To HR personnel in charge of overseeing the Japan entity's benefits insurances.
    *English Only.

    In order to design an attractive benefits insurances program for employees, it is essential to understand key factors such as the structure and characteristics of the Japanese social insurance, recent trends of benefits insurances, and industry-specific market. However, such information might not be so clear when you are not in Japan, more so if you do not have any HR personnel in Japan.

    This seminar will explore how employers can design effective benefits insurance programs by understanding the items above (structure and characteristics of the Japanese social insurance, recent trends of benefits insurances, and industry-specific market data). The seminar will also cover topics such as how employers can provide a safety net to employees especially in the time of the pandemic, how medical coverages ought to be, and selecting policies that minimize the administrative burden for the local team.




    Program プログラム

    1. Structure and characteristics of the Japanese social insurance
    2. Recent trends in benefit insurances
    3. Effective medical coverages in light of the Japanese social healthcare
    4. MMB Japan's services to support the operation of benfit insurances

    1. 日本の社会保険の特徴とストラクチャー
    2. 福利厚生保険のトレンド
    3. 日本の健康保険に合わせた最適な医療保険
    4. 日本の福利厚生保険をサポートするサービス(MMB capabilities)

    Date and time 日時

    • 12 April 2022 (Tue) 16:00-17:00(End)
    • 2022年4月12日 (火) 16:00-17:00(終了) 
    • ※ Zoom開催

    Entry fee 参加費

    Free event

    Capacity 定員


    Target person 対象者

    • HR personnel in charge of overseeing the Japan entity's benefits insurances.
    • 日本の現地法人の福利厚生保険を担当さてている方
    ※ 弊社と同種・類似のサービスを提供されている企業の方や法人に所属されていない個人の方のお申込みはご遠慮いただいております。

    Application お申込

    Inquiries お問い合わせ

    Mercer Marsh Benefits, Mercer Japan
    マーサージャパン株式会社 保健・福利厚生コンサルティング部門
    E-mail: HB.japan@mercer.com

    Speaker 講師

    瀧野 啓太
    Keita Takino
    Associate Consultant, Mercer Marsh Benefits

    Upon joining Mercer Marsh Benefits in January 2018, Keita has been in charge of proposing and implementing benefits insurances to the Japan entities of multinational clients.
    瀧野 啓太(たきの けいた)
    Mercer Marsh Benefits アソシエイト コンサルタント
