Recent publications

Featured videos

Value versus performance: How advanced analytics can distinguish between them and why it is important
Featuring: Haig Nalbantian

Changes in Work Environment (National Academies of Sciences Video)
Featuring: Rick Guzzo and Haig Nalbantian

Meet the expert - Haig Nalbantian
Presentation from OECD’s Well Being at Work Week Conference, October 22-25, 2018, in Paris France - Featuring: Haig Nalbantian

Career Rewards (WorldatWork)

Career Rewards (WorldatWork)
Featuring: Haig Nalbantian, Tauseef Rahman

The Science of Inclusion (Mercer)

The Science of Inclusion (Mercer)
Featuring: Haig Nalbantian

"Effective analytics requires more than good data or technology, but a coherent, discipline-crafted, analytical lens."

— Haig Nalbantian

Do you have questions about workforce strategy and analytics? Contact us today.