
Defined benefit plans are an important element of your employee value proposition, yet are time consuming to manage, data intensive, and complex. We have deep expertise in plan administration and can help you maximize your defined benefit plan.


Companies in the U.S. use our DB administrative services1

1.8 million+

Number of plan participants we touch in the U.S. with defined benefit administrative outsourcing.

World's best

Provider Of Pension Plan Administration Services — Named 5th Year in Row in 2017 by Global Finance Magazine




Benefits to your organization and employees

We understand the defined benefit (DB) marketplace — we’ve been in it for more than 80 years. We know the value a great plan can and should provide to your organization. When run efficiently and designed to enhance financial outcomes, a DB plan can help you keep and attract a talented workforce. The problem? DB plans can be exceptionally complex to administer, prone to errors and compliance omissions, and face participant service delivery issues. If your HR staff is administering the plan in-house, the administrative and transactional responsibilities alone can be intense — regardless of whether the plan is open and accruing, closed or frozen. By working with us as your administrative partner, we can help you alleviate resource constraints, administer plan complexities, and manage compliance risks.



A range of administrative service options

Our services range from co-sourced to fully outsourced — and temporary assistance during times of critical business or staff change. Each solution includes a careful review and assessment as well as the project management expertise to work through the options and issues. We offer tailored solutions for both the mid and large markets.






Why choose Mercer to administer your DB plan?


By outsourcing all or part of your DB plan administration, your HR resources have more time to focus on the strategic issues of your organization. We help you:


  • Achieve your long-term plan goals
  • Deliver exceptional service and professionalism to your plan participants
  • Quickly and efficiently implement risk-mitigation projects
  • Provide plan participants with the technology for online benefits modeling, including optional forms of payment and access to plan information
  • Address one-time or ad hoc projects, such as data cleanup, large calculation projects, plan changes, and early retirement programs




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          1  Information above is as of August 2018.


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