actuarial solutions

Are your funding options defined benefits and accounting strategies aligned with your business goals? Our actuarial services can help.


Number of mercer credentialed actuaries in the U.S.

$400 Billion+

Liabilities under advisement in the U.S. — leading actuarial


Our commitment to defined

benefit plans

Retirement plans have evolved in the 80+ years we have been in the industry. With each iteration, defined benefit plans have continued to play a role in the retirement of millions of employees.  These plans need expert attention to meet your financial and HR objectives. Our 300+ credentialed actuaries and supporting actuarial analysts can guide you through the design, implementation, and maintenance of your defined benefit (DB) pension plan(s).


Services include:


  • Annual valuation services
  • Funded status monitoring
  • Retirement plan financial management
  • Budget forecasting
  • Compliance requirements
  • Retirement plan design
  • Benchmarking and retirement adequacy
  • Merger and acquisition support
  • Plan termination
  • Integrated retirement plan strategy support


Our core actuarial services

and strategies

We can help you design the right mix of retirement programs. In fact, we recognize that the strategies you require go far beyond the basic maintenance of a plan. Our commitment to defined benefit strategies includes:



  • Integrating our Financial Strategy Group to help you manage the risks inherent in your defined benefit plan.
  • Providing quality services without compromise, as demonstrated by our Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) 18 certification for our actuarial valuation work and processes.
  • Maintaining robust retirement plan and total compensation benchmarking capabilities.
  • Delivering innovative ideas to match the characteristics of your plan to your company’s objectives.



A dedicated plan termination team

If you are considering terminating your plan, Mercer can help guide you through the regulatory requirements and complexities of the plan termination process — and address any participant concerns. We start by assigning a dedicated project manager to coordinate Mercer’s specialty resources from actuarial, compliance, administration, investment, and communication teams. From start to finish, our dedicated team can handle all of your plan needs.



Mercer pension solution: A comprehensive solution for plan financial management

Via an integrated plan management platform, Mercer’s Pension Solution brings together actuarial, administration, and investment services for a seamless, end-to-end experience. It offers significant potential benefits to both plan sponsors and plan participants.


Client teams can include specialists in:



  • Actuarial services
  • DB strategy
  • Portfolio implementation
  • Portfolio monitoring
  • Tactical outsourcing



Years of experience

Financial Strategy Group

Helps you manage risks in


your DB plan


















Mercer pension solution


          Please See Important Notices For Further Information.


          1  Mercer estimate based on 2016 Form 5500 Schedule SB data for Corporate defined benefit plan filings.


          2  This number is as of August 2018 and reflects credentialed actuaries who are members of the SOA, AAA, CCA, an Enrolled Actuary or a member of international actuarial organizations.


We’re here to help

We’d be happy to set up a free consultation or send you more information to get you started.

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