Divestitures can unlock hidden shareholder value and generate cash to fund growth and innovation. The speed at which organizations need to pivot and pursue a new strategic direction is leading to the rise of divestitures. A successful divestiture means maximizing the sale price, closing the deal quickly and creating sustainable value for the remaining business.


Prioritizing people risk

Whether you’re planning a spin-off or carve-out, or selling the entire business, analyzing workforce risks is an essential first step in preparing for any sale. This analysis should begin at the pre-separation strategy and planning stage — and it requires the same strategic focus that goes into preparing the carve-out financials.


Executing a divestiture can be far more challenging than acquiring an organization. At Mercer, we recommend approaching the sale from the perspective of a potential buyer — understanding that different buyers have different priorities.


The Mercer difference

We know how to protect value by identifying human capital risks early in the divestiture process. Our exceptional ability to uncover workforce risks helps sellers anticipate hurdles and mitigate any surprises early. Speed is the key to success, and our ability to respond anywhere globally within 24 hours helps drive your successful divestiture. 

Mercer advises clients in:


Pre-separation strategy

Understand and anticipate the spectrum of workforce issues for your strategic goals.

Separation due diligence

Conduct an in-depth analysis on workforce issues to identify any material risks based on the pool of potential buyers.

Separation planning and execution

Develop a separation roadmap that addresses operational risks and ensures readiness on Day One. Identify and prepare for transition service agreements (TSAs).

Post-close optimization

Evaluate the remaining business to determine potential workforce issues and mitigation strategies.

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Well thought-out and properly targeted retention program incentives and severance packages can help deliver the maximum value in a sale.
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– Global CHRO

Fortune 100 consumer products organization


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