
When workers thrive, businesses prosper. Investing in workers’ well-being today can lead to a wealth of benefits tomorrow—for employers and employees. An effective total health management (THM) solution prioritizes all aspects of employees’ well-being




  • Behavioral Health: Get more from your behavioral health benefits with a strategy that helps workers get the care they need to become healthier and more productive.
  • Data Analytics: Discover ways to improve health and well-being based on data, not anecdotes, with analytics such as the HERO scorecard (domestic and international).
  • Clinical Services: Improve the way workers manage chronic and other health conditions—and see significant reductions* in healthcare costs—with solutions such as Mercer Health Advantage


Lower turnover costs for thriving employees1



Why should total health management solutions be part of your benefits strategy?

Companies that invest in effective THM strategies and solutions see:

  • 1% to 2% lower medical cost trend for best-practice companies 2
  • 41% lower healthcare costs for thriving employees 2
  • 35% lower turnover costs for thriving employees 2
  • 31% higher productivity for thriving employees 2
  • 48% better stock value appreciation over five years for best-practice companies 3




Why choose Mercer for total health management?

At Mercer, we move beyond traditional medical management to address the root causes of poor health. By weaving together clinical, health behavior and consumerism strategies, our experts guide companies to customized solutions for employee well-being. We offer:

  • Expertise: Our team of 60-plus clinical, medical and behavioral health professionals meld their experience and skills into practical strategies and interventions designed to help companies effect a culture of good health.
  • Integration: By integrating health, wealth, workforce and absence strategies, employers could improve employee performance and reduce total healthcare spend.*
  • Innovation: Our creative strategies leverage the expertise of Mercer’s Center of Health Innovation. With their finger on the pulse of emerging, disruptive technology vendors, they push the industry to continually develop new solutions to improve the cost, quality and delivery of personalized care.
  • Leadership: By partnering with industry think tanks like HERO, our team helps you stay ahead of THM trends and benefit from progressive solutions that deliver real results.






When employees have the tools they need to surpass their struggles, they engage more fully in their work and personal lives. Fostering a healthy, fulfilled and resilient workforce also aids your company’s bottom line.


          1 Source: Gallup

          2 HERO Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer, 2014. Results may vary.

          3 JOEM 2016, “Linking Workplace Health Promotion Best Practices and Organizational Financial Performance” 

          * Results may vary


Contact us

Learn more about how Mercer can develop creative total health management strategies that help your workforce thrive. 

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