behavioral health

Behavioral health concerns cause heartache for individuals, and create big business challenges — leading to $250 billion in lost productivity alone.1

Access to tools, quality providers and crisis intervention provide tremendous benefits for all.




Why choose Mercer for behavioral health solutions?


With innovative solutions tailored to employees’ specific challenges, workers are more likely to take advantage of behavioral benefits—resulting in more resilient, productive employees and significantly reduced employer costs. We offer:


  • Expertise: With the largest team of dedicated behavioral health professionals in the consulting industry, we’ve helped hundreds of companies create better outcomes for employees and positively impact companies’ bottom line.
  • Fresh approach: With a simple but thorough approach, we develop a behavioral health strategy that revolutionizes the way you provide benefits and support your employees in managing their whole health and well-being.
  • Innovation: Mercer’s commitment to continuous innovation ensures our clients remain ahead of the curve with forward-thinking behavioral health programs that deliver real results.




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          1 Integrated Benefits Institute (IBI), 2012

          2 Source


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Learn more about how Mercer can help develop creative behavioral health management strategies that help your workforce thrive.

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