Through the Health Transformation Collaborative (HTC), we partner with you to offer solutions designed to simplify innovation, manage costs, and improve the health of your people.


Employer Challenges



health benefit cost growth estimated for 2023 and sharper increases are expected in future years1


of employees say they have challenges getting healthcare for themselves and their family2


of employees say they are seriously considering leaving their company2


of employers say enhancing benefits to improve attraction and retention is their top strategic priority1


1Mercer’s 2022 National Survey of Employer Sponsored Health Plans

2Mercer’s 2022 Inside Employees’ Minds Survey



Mercer’s Health Transformation Collaborative (HTC) combines the most innovative solutions in the market. HTC bundles a curated ecosystem with access to digital solutions with proven health outcomes, focused on enhancing the member experience, improving quality of care, and reducing costs through a simplified healthcare experience.




The HTC makes innovation simple by:


  • Curating an ecosystem of best-in-class solutions
  • Simplifying contracting and billing
  • Managing implementations and providing on-going oversight
  • Providing comprehensive reporting
  • Completing ongoing vendor assessments and clinical audits


The HTC helps manage costs while creating an attractive benefits package that meets the unique needs of your people through:


  • Mercer-negotiated best-in-class pricing, collective discounts due to our collaborative purchasing power, and unique-to-market performance and ROI guarantees


Improve the health of your people




Improve health equity


Opportunity for every individual to achieve their full potential in all aspects of health and well-being.



Enhance access to care


Members have new avenues through which to seek care not previously available.

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Reduce barriers to care


Virtual solutions improve member experience and convenience.



Achive better health outcomes


Comprehensive reporting and analyses highlight health outcomes improvements.

Delivering Engagement & Savings


This video opens up with John Lai of Mr Car Wash and followed by a lively and relatable discussion with Anna Zappia of MCW, Caryn Hildreth of USIC, and Stacey Magness of Ellucian. Hear how these three companies have reimagined their healthcare delivery approach and vendor ecosystem to drive a better member experience and ultimately reduce cost. Moderated by Tracy Watts of Mercer.


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Employer results are in…
7% -12% Claims Savings over 3 Years
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Contact us to calculate how much you will save with HTC’s group purchasing. HTC projects an average of 10% savings over 3 years.




MercerWell: Powering a thriving community


Find more ways to mitigate health risk, optimize talent and enable wellbeing-centric cultures and brands driving positive business outcomes.


Let’s Talk!

Learn how HTC can enhance member experience, improve the quality of care of your employees by giving access to the best-in-class market solutions and reduce employer costs. 

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