What Health Care Organizations Need to Know Today: Mercer’s Investment Insights

Mercer’s dedicated health care investment consulting practice partners with health care institutions to integrate investment strategy with operating and financial objectives. We take an enterprise-wide view of your financial situation in order to allocate capital to its highest return opportunity and manage risk holistically.

We know that health care organizations today are faced with tough financial management decisions as they contend with health care reform legislation and changes to the health care delivery model. Our research combines this day-to-day experience consulting with clients and understanding their needs with our global outlook on investments and markets. Whether you’re engaging in a merger or acquisition, making significant changes to your investment strategy, or consolidating short-term needs with a long-term vision, we can help provide you with a holistic understanding of the market environment and how it could affect your organization’s investments.

As a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader, we partner with health care providers to make essential investment strategy decisions. Learn about how our services can help your organization.

Our Approach: Comprehensive Planning for Long-Term Results

Our forward-looking, valuation-based approach to portfolio construction and risk acceptance is the backbone of our investment philosophy. It helps our clients achieve more consistent risk-adjusted portfolio results over time. While each investment portfolio has its own return objective and risk constraints, comprehensive planning considers how portfolios may impact each other. More importantly, the approach should integrate each portfolio into the organization’s long-term financial strategy.

Top Priorities for Not-For-Profit Health Care Organizations in 2016

Many health care providers experienced operating improvement in 2015 as patient volumes grew and cost adjustments took hold. But they still must navigate transformation in the delivery of care and how it is compensated, along with the ongoing effects of health care reform legislation (PPACA). In response to the changing industry landscape, health care organizations have engaged in mergers, acquisitions, and other strategic activities, and have made difficult management decisions.

We’ve identified 10 investment considerations for not-for-profit health care organizations in 2016. These address questions like:

  • In light of recent balance sheet strengthening, have you considered increasing your risk tolerance?
  • If you have made or are considering any M&A strategic actions, have you considered whether your investment strategy needs any changes?

Meet Michael Ancell

Michael Ancell is a Partner and Mercer Investments’ National Segment Leader for Healthcare. He is a voting member of the NFP Investment Committee. He has advised healthcare clients since 2004.


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