| May 10 2018

Michael Garrett Joins First Cohort of Board Certified Patient Advocates

“Patient advocacy is a cornerstone of case and care management,” says Mercer Principal Michael Garrett. “I thought it was important to ‘go deeper’ to better understand the implications of this important area.” That’s why Michael took the inaugural examination on patient advocacy to become one of only 149 Board Certified Patient Advocates. 

The BCPA credential is an international standard developed by the Patient Advocate Certification Board (PACB), a non-profit formed in 2012 to establish ethical standards, competencies, and best practices for professionals who work in the emerging field of patient advocacy. Hundreds of advocates, advocacy-related practitioners, and patient-consumers contributed to the development of the certification. 

The field of patient advocacy is represented by a diverse group of professionals with a range of backgrounds and educational experiences. One of the goals of the exam is to recognize the diversity of the practice. While the certification currently requires no specific degree, the test covers a broad range of topics and requires basic medical knowledge and a firm understanding of health insurance and the healthcare system. 

“This certification is important to me, both professionally and personally, and gives me some credibility in understanding this field,” explains Michael. Achieving the certification shows that you understand, utilize, and enforce the concept of patient-first—putting patients in the drivers’ seat to get what they need. For more information, see the PACB press release.

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