Well-being & Lifestyle Benefits
| Jan 11 2019

Are You Investing in the Right Well-Being Initiatives? Find Out Now

Beth Umland
Director of Research, Health, Mercer

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The HERO Health and Well-Being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer© (HERO Scorecard) is a free online benchmarking tool that assists companies in assessing their use of best practices to promote employee well-being and in measuring associated outcomes.  Users receive immediate feedback, and the data collected through the tool is used for research. A collection of studies based on Scorecard data was recently published in the 2018 HERO Scorecard Progress Report, which is available free of charge.

In one study, companies reported better outcomes when leaders publically recognize their employees’ positive health behaviors and when they actively participate in health and well-being initiatives themselves – two relatively simple and low-cost ways to boost performance.

Why should you consider completing (or retaking) the HERO Scorecard?  Employee well-being is associated with lower turnover, lower healthcare costs and higher profitability, and the Scorecard allows employers to see how their well-being initiatives align with industry best practices- and how their organization scores compared to the more than 1,000 employers that have completed the Scorecard already. Learn more about what the HERO Scorecard can do for you here:

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