Employee Financial Wellness
A targeted approach to workforce financial wellness Part 3

Q&A with Derek Cushman
US Financial Wellness Solutions Leader


How do financial wellness programs deliver a positive business impact?

We believe that high-performing wellness programs have a clear tie in to business results. Many organizations today measure individual productivity, sales, or overall performance. Obtaining data on how employees are participating in financial wellness programs and improving their individual financial situation can justify the cost of these programs and show support for this effort. 

It’s intuitive that improving someone’s financial wellness has an effect on how patient, productive, and engaged these people are on the job, but being able to demonstrate it can make the difference between being a program that HR runs and a program that is seen as additive to a company’s revenues and profits.


We predict that over the next 10 years, HR will move toward becoming an equal partner in driving business performance.

Financial wellness can complement talent acquisition, retention, and other people-related issues that determine how prepared an organization is to succeed into the future. Having an engaged, energized workforce can set you apart from your competitors. When you start to think about it, you can see that it has a great impact on the way your employees do their jobs and, by extension, on your business.

Read the rest of this series:

Learn more about financial wellness. Read our Q&A series with Betsy Dill, US Financial Wellness Advisory Leader:

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