How to Get Ahead of the Rising Specialty Drug Cost Curve | Mercer

Watch the Replay of the "How to Get Ahead of the Rising Specialty Drug Cost Curve" Webinar

How to Get Ahead of the Rising Specialty Drug Cost Curve - Webinar Replay
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Specialty drugs are exposing employers to new, previously unheard of risks, and significantly greater costs. Such costs and unforeseen risks are likely to be untenable, particularly for employers that self-insure, without stop-loss insurance. Data from Mercer’s National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans show that high-cost claims and specialty drugs are driving the bulk or rising medical costs. Employers who budget annual healthcare costs could see increases ranging from one to two million, or even twenty million dollars, per employee.

During this webinar, Mercer thought leaders outline the primary drivers of high-cost claims and what employers should be considering to help mitigate the unforeseen risks and rising costs.

Key Takeaways:

  • How specialty drugs are contributing to the overall rise in medical costs
  • New emerging risks employers cannot afford to ignore
  • Options for mitigating risk, including stop-loss insurance
  • Employer Case Study: Getting ahead of the rising specialty drug cost curve


Health & Group Benefits Stop Loss Specialty Practice Leader

US Health & Benefits Managed Pharmacy Practice Leader

Watch the Replay of the "How to Get Ahead of the Rising Specialty Drug Cost Curve" Webinar
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