Lay the groundwork for skills-based approach

Incorporate skills into your talent strategy fast with the Skills Library


Do you have the skills you need to succeed? Are you looking to understand your skills gaps, requirements and current bench strength?


Don’t waste time digging through data or trying to create your own custom taxonomy. Skills Library maps 3,000 unique skills to over 4,700 jobs in our Jobs Library, making it the fastest way for Mercer Job Library customers to incorporate skills into their strategy. Not a Mercer Jobs Library client? No worries, we’ll match your jobs to our Library in no time to get you started quickly.

  • The Skills Library offers a skills taxonomy based on market data — the first step in adding skills to your organization’s pay strategy. We update our Skills Library regularly throughout the year so you can stay up to date on new and emerging skills, see how skills are changing and learn which skills are becoming obsolete.

  • An integrated, data-driven framework helps you deploy skills-based solutions in various ways across a wide range of business domains.

  • Skills are mapped to a global job taxonomy — the Skills Library includes data for 145+ countries, allowing you to implement a skills framework on a global scale quickly.

Develop a skills-based taxonomy


Identify critical skills in an easy, effective way. With the Skills Library, you can quickly and efficiently develop a skills taxonomy mapped to jobs in your organization.


Example use case:

Let’s say you’re seeking to fill a cost accounting role. You need someone who is good at accounting, possesses excellent communication skills, has experience with M&A, is familiar with advanced statistical analysis, and holds a specific certification for a particular country.


Search for the skills associated with the role (highlighted above) in the Skills Library to help you develop the right skills taxonomy and uncover other relevant skills for the position.

What’s included?

The skills span a variety of traditional categories — such as competencies, qualifications, certifications, hard and soft skills, and region-specific needs — so you can define roles by using the criteria for success on the job.

How does the Skills Library work?

We curate our Skills Library using a variety of supply and demand sources for talent data.

We obtain key skills information using large-scale data collection that targets millions of online job profiles and descriptions.

We update the Skills Library routinely throughout the year, adding new and emerging skills, modifying existing skills and removing obsolete skills.

Skills are structured in three Mercer Job Library arrangements that are orientated around type of work and organizational level:

Benefits of adopting a skills-based approach:

Increased employee engagement and productivity

Reduced turnover

Robust internal talent marketplace

More effective, efficient hiring processes

Optimized compensation packages

Connect with our experts to find out more