Are you getting through?


When you deliver an important message to your employees, is it closer to a message in a bottle than a direct conversation?

Perhaps you’re updating your business strategy or transforming your organization. Maybe you’re changing your pension plan or moving to a private exchange health plan. How you deliver credible information about organizational changes can keep your key people from jumping ship. An effective communication strategy has the power to boost employee engagement, build internal awareness, drive performance, retain talent, and even make your workforce more open to change.

The gap between company change and employee understanding can be wide. Let us help you build bridges.

We Understand HR — and Employees

Mercer is more than 21,000 strong in employees with diverse professional backgrounds and career experiences. Not only can our consultants “talk the talk” when it comes to HR communications, they also walk the walk. So when we deliver an employee value proposition or a new-hire microsite, we’re crafting those communications thinking of our colleagues, friends, and ourselves on the other side.

Some examples are our Mercer Belong® portal and Mercer Career View app™, which make it easy for employees to access career information the way they access everything else: through an app. These are just two examples of Mercer communications tools built with employees in mind.

Navigating Big Transitions: From Technology to M&A

Some changes are bigger than others. No matter the scope, Mercer can help.

If you’re switching your HRIS, such as Workday or SAP, changing the shape of your workforce, or navigating a merger or acquisition, clear communication is crucial.

Even if a merger looks perfect on paper, disaster can ensue when it comes to harmonizing company cultures — a point of failure for countless mergers. Effective employee communication throughout the integration of two companies is often the “secret ingredient” to a merger’s success, and too often overlooked.

We can help you communicate big changes to give your people an even brighter image of the future than they have today.

Your Employees Are Talking (and Tweeting, and Texting . . . )

The channels for communication are many — email, mobile, blogs, microsites, not to mention plain old face time. That means more opportunities to communicate, but also more potential for the wrong messages to “go viral”.

From conversations over lunch to chats over “bring your own device”, it takes a determined ear to the ground to hear the word that’s going around. We’ll let you know if your people are “buying” the messages you’re “selling” — and share how communication can help accelerate engagement.

How We Can Help

Our employee communication experts can help you speak directly to your employees in the language they understand. Our solutions include:

  • Change communications to ease big transitions.
  • Employee value propositions to keep your people motivated.
  • Employee communications to send the right message at the right time.
  • Communication online tools like Mercer Belong that put information in employees’ hands.

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Workforce and Careers Solutions