Relatable organizations are bringing back the joy of work and creating a brighter future for all

A moment of profound opportunity has arrived: to pick up the tools of empathy honed in 2020-2021 and carve a new way of partnering that is more human, sustainable, and attuned to the ways people want to work. This year, we are witnessing the Rise of the Relatable Organization. What are the success drivers of these relatable organizations? They are resetting for stakeholder relevance, building adaptive capacity in their people and processes, figuring out how to work in partnership and tackle inequalities, driving outcomes on total well-being, incentivizing employability, and harnessing collective energy.

  • Global Talent Trends 2022 - Video transcript

    An upside-down world demands new ways to relate

    Grandparents and grandkids are connecting on TikTok®

    Computers know us better than we think

    Our children now learn from chatbots

    The challenges aren’t over yet

    Organizations must adapt

    60% of executives worry top talent won’t return to work

    98% of organizations report significant skills gaps

    85% of employees feel at risk of burnout

    Turning the world right side up means …

    Reflecting employee values

    82% of employees expect their employer to do what’s right for society

    Harnessing the positive

    Employee’s top prediction is the future of work will be more balanced

    Making moments matter

    High growth companies are twice as likely to design work experiences for different personas

    Welcome to the rise of the Relatable Organization

    Global Talent Trends 2022


Seizing the opportunity in this year's talent trends

The pandemic has demonstrated the need to be both opportunistic and risk-aware. People are seeking a sense of joy and freedom to reshape their lives. Organizations have bold plans for reinvention, but are they focused on what will really make a difference?

Find out in the 2022 edition of Mercer's Global Talent Trends Study.

The five global talent trends for 2022

Thank you to the nearly 11,000 voices who contributed to this year’s study. C-suite executives, HR leaders, and employees representing 16 geographies and 13 industries told us what’s keeping them up at night and what they hope the future holds. Taken together, their stories point to the need for a more Relatable Organization, one that challenges legacy notions of value-creation and redefines its contribution to society.


Expand each section to learn more about the trends shaping this year’s People agenda.

  • Reset for relevance



    The events of the past two years have left an indelible mark on investor, employee and consumer attitudes. The new world of work – more nuanced and personalized – demands a reset of priorities and new skills around listening, learning and adapting to identify and address unmet needs. Companies that fail to adapt will lose the ability to raise capital, attract and retain talent, and stay relevant. Relatable organizations are coming off mute on what they stand for, and setting “good work” standards that reflect the values of all their stakeholders. They relentlessly listen to what drives consumer and employee behavior, and build cultures and practices that are adaptive by design.

  • Work in partnership



    People no longer want to work for a company; they want to work with a company. The future of work depends on flatter and more networked talent models, fueled by a more flexible, fungible and globally dispersed workforce. This represents a shift in the social contract of work, one that will succeed only if everyone feels they are getting a fair deal. In response, relatable organizations are developing a partnership mindset across their ecosystem. They are building business resilience by infusing equity and inclusion into their talent models, accessing broader and more diverse talent pools, and building out more robust supplier and partner networks. Today, “partnering” over “leading” might be a company’s biggest competitive advantage. 

  • Deliver on total well-being



    The pandemic exposed and worsened the health and wealth gaps for different populations, underscoring that accessibility and affordability of care is not enough. The well-being ROI that matters today is less about a return on investment (focused on reducing healthcare costs) and more about what makes a difference to drive current and future health outcomes of the workforce. This puts the onus on an employer to ensure the emotional, physical, social and financial well-being of their employees. Relatable organizations actively encourage healthy, rewarding and sustainable work behaviors and offer personalized support during moments that matter.

  • Build for employability



    The significant supply and demand gap in both skills and workers has highlighted the role that organizations play not just in ensuring their own sustainability but also in safeguarding the future employability of their people. The pandemic underscored the importance of a skills-based talent model and agile work design in building the workforce of the future. More than ever, organizations are instilling a mindset of lifelong learning, democratizing work opportunities, and helping workers of all backgrounds and generations pave a pathway to prosperity.

  • Harness collective energy



    The “future of work” has been a hot topic for many years – but as the name indicates, it was always seen as a long-term play. The pandemic accelerated the timeline and exponentially increased the importance of new business models, new ways of working and new technologies. Ideas that were once met with resistance, skepticism and reluctance are now solutions to some of the biggest challenges of our time – and while people are exhausted, they are also much more optimistic. Now, companies have a unique opportunity to unlock energy by ensuring that the transformation agenda is centered around the human experience and to redesign work, working and the workplace for a new age.

Explore HR trends by geography and industry

What are the top talent management priorities for HR leaders in 2022? Of these HR priorities, which ones do C-Suite executives believe will deliver the greatest ROI to the business? Top of mind for all is talent retention. So you may be wondering, what makes employees stay at their company? As you can imagine, these three groups are not always in alignment. And the differences across geographies and industries may surprise you.


Explore the findings by selecting from one of the dropdowns below.

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