Reinvent your rewards program with pay-for-skills

Skills Pay Planner is an AI-driven tool that arms your organization with intelligent pay recommendations for individual employees. It helps you understand the premiums associated with certain skills, so you can make informed decisions during compensation planning reviews — to avoid the loss of valuable skills and prevent your most critical talent from becoming a flight risk.


Automate your process for pay recommendations


Skills Pay Planner provides pay suggestions that help ease decisions about how to reward your employees. Using an algorithm that learns from your company data, Skills Play Planner allows you to automate the pay recommendation process while eliminating individual bias in your pay philosophy.


Skills Pay Planner gives you the control to make pay recommendations that fit within your budget. We work with you to fine-tune your results, using your data to meet your business strategy. The system can also be configured without skills in the equation, using prior historical data and current ranking systems to drive decisions.

Move from performance-based assessment to a skills-based approach

How does Skills Pay Planner work?

Skills Pay Planner generates intelligent automated pay recommendations by integrating company, employee and external benchmark data with your unique business strategy via a predictive machine learning algorithm. Skill supply and demand, employee base pay competitiveness, performance, career potential and even retention risk are all reflected in salary increase recommendations.


Market, company and employee data play a pivotal role

The machine learning model reviews each individual’s past performance rating and other metrics, such as base pay competitiveness, performance, potential ratings and retention risk.

The system can be configured to recognize the priority skills for your business — and to provide insight into the corresponding investment required to cultivate those skills.

Skills Pay Planner in three steps

1 Combines business strategy and company data

2 Runs a predictive machine-learning algorithm

3 Makes pay suggestions at the employee level

Bring a skills lens to your salary review process

  • Search team member profiles
  • Explore AI-driven salary increase recommendations
  • Understand recommendation rationale for each team member

  • Drill down into recommendations for individual employees
  • Explore influencing factors at a granular level
  • Make pay recommendations with confidence

Use case of Skills Pay Planner

Use the Skills Pay Planner as a simulation tool:

Your compensation and rewards teams can test the impact of skills and other factors on pay. See the shifts required in moving from your current process to a pay-for-skills approach, so you can prepare for implications and change management.

Skills Pay Planner guides and educates managers involved in the pay cycle decisions as to the key factors to consider in designing employees’ pay.

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