“Most companies have it all wrong. They don’t have to motivate their employees. They have to stop demotivating them.”

- David Sirota, Founder, Mercer-Sirota and Co-author The Enthusiastic Employee: How Companies Profit by Giving Workers What They Want (Wharton School Publishing, 2005) for HBR, Jan’05

Employee Engagement impacts and drives business performance. No surprises then that engagement is arguably the #1 workforce metric CEOs worry about.

If approached in the right way, employee engagement can be more than a workforce metric. It can be a powerful tool for leaders to raise performance and drive improvement. So it is about time we stop treating it as an end in itself and start focusing on real insight. The work place is constantly evolving and with the advent of new technology, many organizations are finding that the ‘employment deal’ is undergoing a transformation. How can you ensure that your employees are bringing their best to the workplace?

As specialists in organizational research since 1972, Mercer-Sirota has advisory capabilities and technologies that span all aspects of the employee experience, including engagement, team effectiveness, leadership and culture. Combined with sophisticated analytics and data mining tools, Mercer-Sirota’s surveys help clients get real-time insight from engagement data. Mercer-Sirota then uses advanced analytics to help CHROs identify where leaders, employees, strategy and culture are misaligned, uncovering hidden factors that drive performance and support positive change.

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