Engaging Today’s Workforce: Insights from 25 Years of Research


At Mercer | Sirota, we’ve been conducting employee research for over 45 years. Our work has spanned the rise and fall of many talent management theories, concepts, and approaches. When we evaluate the evolution of engagement — from the initial idea to the latest technologies — we find many good ideas and helpful practices that have advanced the field. But we have also noticed that a number of untested assumptions and misconceptions are leading some organizations astray.

In this review, we separate fact from fiction and share what we’ve learned about engagement through our research with millions of employees working in thousands of organizations around the globe. We’ll start by tracing the evolution of the idea over the past 25 years. Then we will present our model of engagement and highlight key learnings from our research. We’ll discuss new trends that are emerging and provide recommendations for building a 21st century employee research program in your own organization.

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