To maximize your Workday or ServiceNow® investment, implementation is only a starting point


If you plan to make the most of your ERP software – with applications performing just like the demo, workers engaged in the process, and ROI maximized – implementation is only the first step.


Too often, post-production hurdles like getting security to work as needed, running reports, and managing unexpected issues can prevent a promising deployment from achieving the intended goals.


With Mercer’s Application Management Services (AMS), our support team will ensure that your Workday or ServiceNow system is built to go the distance – deploying optimally for your company’s requirements, structure, and employees, and working with you to ensure its ongoing viability and optimization.


To help you navigate your post-deployment world, our dedicated consultants offer comprehensive AMS support for:


  • All functional areas across each Workday tenant
  • HR Service Delivery with ServiceNow

The value of AMS

Watch the video: Hear why other Mercer clients selected Mercer for their application management service.

Mercer’s Application Management Service

Deployment is just the beginning. Mercer can help with maintenance, fixes, updates, and technical expertise while saving your team time and money.

ServiceNow or Workday ERP Implementation Support: How we can help


Connect with the expertise you need to be successful after go-live with Workday and ServiceNow . Learn how we help with:


  • Product roadmapping: Action plan creation according to the rollout schedule
  • Calendar management: Short- and long-term event preparation throughout the calendar year
  • Workday and ServiceNow update assistance: Guidance on releasing new configuration and ERP integration through releases, as well as testing your existing setup to ensure a successful update cycle
  • Break-fix and full platform support: Product environment configurations and functionality support
  • Knowledge transfer/training: Consistent training and knowledge transfer opportunities

Mercer’s approach to ServiceNow and Workday support

People are at the center of everything we do. We help you avoid re-implementation by considering your business, financial, HR, and IT goals – both during and after launch. To do so, our Workday and ServiceNow support experts leverage our full arsenal of tools.


Here’s how we maintain our 92% customer satisfaction rate1:

Dedicated AMS team: Mercer’s full-time, multi-certified AMS consultants are quick to respond to your needs. Because they don’t work on ERP implementations, they are dedicated exclusively to Workday or ServiceNow post-production support.

Experienced leadership: To help solve your biggest challenges, our experienced implementation specialists oversee every ticket you submit. You also receive overall quality assurance from our experts with years of Workday and ServiceNow experience.

Proactive customer success managers: Your satisfaction is the sole focus of your customer success manager. Your success manager quickly addresses escalations and questions, and assists with roadmapping and strategizing new functionalities.

Tiered support: You choose among four levels of support. Predetermined monthly hours and response times define each level. That way, AMS services are tailored to meet your needs and budget.

Multiple channel interaction: You can receive interactive support through web form, email, phone or virtual meetings.

1Mercer customer satisfaction survey

Learn more about Mercer’s Application Management Services

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