Thriving Workforce

Mercer Research Sheds Light On Local and Global Impact of Gender Equity

Today, most business leaders acknowledge that gender parity in the workplace is the right thing to do, and many are taking at least modest steps to achieve this. But there’s much more to this story.

Mercer research shows that equity is not only about fairness, but it makes good business sense. Mercer’s When Women Thrive research and reports walk readers through data and context of this pressing issue and outline specific steps to help organizations reach gender equity … and their full potential.

This is an important time for diversity and inclusion in Canada. Organizations sit at a crossroads toward gender equity, where looking back, one can see positive, and sometimes inadequate, practices and policies that have resulted in our current state. Looking forward, however, Canadians are presented with choices that can lead to not only positive changes for the lives of female workers but also the Canadian economy.

Mercer’s When Women Thrive, Businesses Thrive Canada Summary Shows the Reader:

  • How organizations that reflect society in gender and ethnic representation have higher attraction, retention, and motivation of employees, and higher rates of growth.
  • Key drivers of gender equity that can lead to not only greater equity but improved company performance.
  • Steps to gauge and enhance your organization’s gender parity.
  • The largely untold story of health outcomes for Canadian women.
  • An overview of global and Canadian comparisons of key data.
  • A case for leadership engagement.

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Please contact us today to discuss gender equity, diversity and inclusion, or a host of issues that are important to your organization’s health, wealth, and careers.
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