Inside Employees’ Minds™: The Transforming Employment Experience


For years, the employee value proposition has been predicated on the notion that engaged, happy employees are more productive, committed and loyal. Today, however, this equation is changing. Mercer’s new Inside Employees’ Minds Survey of 3,000 US workers finds an intriguing paradox: Nearly two in five US workers are seriously considering leaving their jobs at the present time, and this includes many who are satisfied with their jobs, organizations, pay, benefits and other aspects of work.

Shifting workforce demographics are largely driving this “happy but leaving” trend. The younger generations — X, Y (Millennials), and the incoming Z — now account for the majority share of the workforce, and these workers have decidedly different views and expectations about work compared with older colleagues.

For employers and employees alike, the challenge ahead will be two-fold:

  • Redefining commitment at work: The terms and the timing.
  • Transitioning to a more flexible value proposition that reflects the evolving world of work.

Learn more about our 2015 Inside Employees' Minds Research and the Implications for Today's Workplaces:

Engagement By the Numbers
Get a quick overview of key survey findings through our engaging Inside Employees' Minds infographic series.
  A Deeper Look Inside Employees' Minds
Our survey reports provide compelling insights regarding employee perceptions of work and current engagement levels.
View Infographic   Download Report Part 1
The Transforming Employment Experience Videos
Mercer business leaders and other noted experts explore the changing world of work and the evolving employee value proposition in this thought-provoking video series, created in partnership with Big Think.
  Employee Views on Health, Wealth, and Careers
Our new research provides insights that employers can use to reshape their value propositions to reflect evolving workforce needs and expectations.
Watch Videos   Download Report Part 2


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