The Transforming Employment Experience Videos

Mercer business leaders and other noted experts explore the changing world of work and the evolving employee value proposition in this thought-provoking video series, created in partnership with Big Think.


Dr. Elissa Perry, Professor of Psychology and Education at Columbia University, describes how managers can unlock new opportunities by leveraging today’s multigenerational workforce.


In this video, Mary Tinebra, Northeast Market Leader at Mercer, discusses the importance of designing a value proposition that effectively addresses the health, wealth, and career needs of today’s employees.


With deep expertise in generations, organizational culture, and conflict, Jamie Notter is a noted speaker, consultant and author of the provocative new book, When Millennials Take Over. In this video, he talks about how to motivate Millennials by understanding their need for meaning at work.


Ben Casnocha, a successful technology entrepreneur, is author of several books, including The Start-Up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself and Transform Your Career and The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age.


In this video, Pat Tomlinson, North America Talent Business Leader at Mercer, encourages employers to develop a strategic workforce plan that embraces the transient nature of today’s employer-employee relationship.


In this video, Dr. Howard Gardner, Professor of Cognition and Education at Harvard University, shares his Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

Watch to learn how people managers should be aware of and utilize multiple intelligences to create more effective workplaces.

Inside Employees’ Minds™:
The Transforming Employment Experience

Mercer's Career Framework effectively outlines the various career levels and job families within your organization.
  White Paper: Inside Employee's Minds – Part 1
Our survey reports provide compelling insights regarding employee perceptions of work and current engagement levels.
Read More   Download Report Part 1


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