The top trends shaping employer-provided healthcare


MMB’s Health Trends global survey of 210 insurers across 59 countries identified four key themes driving the future of employer-provided healthcare.


Four key trends

Top trends shaping employer-provided health and benefits

1. Medical trend rates and claims are increasing 

Global medical trend rate for 2022

2. COVID-19 is impacting claims experience 

2 in 3
insurers are making changes to their benefits offering in response to the pandemic

3. Prevention and self-care are needed to mitigate health risks 

Rank of metabolic and cardiovascular risk in a list of risk factors influencing employer-sponsored group medical costs

MMB Health Trends

Fielded in August/September 2021

These trends are important for employers to consider as while many firms have latitude in designing their benefit plan to meet their needs, insurers play a key role in shaping the benefits landscape. They do this through their standard practices and policy language, their willingness to adopt new provisions, and their access to large pools of claims data. 

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A significant number of insurers are adding innovative features to medical products, ranging from digital health and self-care tools to ways of connecting individuals with better quality care.
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Get an in-depth look at the latest HR and Medical trends in our full report.

Explore digital and self-care solutions and services provided via a typical employer-sponsored group benefit plan, and how to embed them into your benefit plans.

Self-care solutions are highly valued by employees


19 MMB Health on Demand 2021

20 According to this year’s MMB Health Trend survey results

Digital health self-care solutions are more available than ever before


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