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Well-being is a key component of an overall value proposition for employees and employers who leverage digital tools to deliver personalized health solutions achieve the most success in creating an employee experience that resonates with the critical talent they need to prepare for the future of work.
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Julie Duchesne
Julie Duchesne
Partner, Mercer Marsh Benefits Leader, Canada



Employers and HR leaders have an important role to play in healthcare transformation. You are in a unique position to create systemic change in healthcare delivery that emphasizes affordability, accessibility, and quality. Fortunately, there are many digital health solutions available to make this change possible and easier than ever before.


Take a look at the firsthand perspectives of employees and senior decision-makers in our latest report. You’ll gain an understanding of the demand, solutions, and opportunities around digital health.



Why health on demand?


In a highly competitive market for talent, companies need to differentiate themselves by offering a unique value proposition. It’s becoming clear that securing financial outcomes for your organization requires a shift in perspective. You can better support your business objectives when you have a strong focus on improving employee health and wellbeing.


A value proposition that provides better health outcomes for your employees also contributes to:


  • Attraction and retention
  • Productivity
  • Engagement and satisfaction
  • Reduced absenteeism

How well do your priorities align with employees’ expectations?


Our report compares the perspectives of executives and employees to identify any gaps and help you get aligned. You’ll gain insights into the concerns, solutions, and opportunities for digital health.



The business case for digital health

Employers increasingly believe that digital health solutions will help advance their objectives—including energizing and retaining their staff. That's why it is likely that over half of Canadian employers are planning to increase their investment in the next 5 years. Our report will provide you with a strong case to support this momentum, helping you make strategic investments.


Understand employees values

Employers increasingly believe that digital health solutions will help advance their objectives—including energizing and retaining their staff. That’s why it is likely that over half of Canadian employers are planning to increase their investment in the next 5 years. Our report will provide you with a strong case to support this momentum, helping you make strategic investments.

In the report, you’ll find answers to the following:


  • What’s the business case for digital health?
  • What makes digital health solutions valuable to employees?
  • Do employees trust employers enough to share their personal health information?
  • What will it take to engage different employee segments?
  • Is there a demand for a pro-health culture in the workplace?

Choose health care solutions that provide value to your employees

Want to discuss how to apply these findings to your healthcare investments? Speak with a consultant today
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