About the study


Compares and contrasts worker views with those of C-suite and senior decision makers across nine sectors





Senior Decision Makers


Fielded in June 2019


Seven mature and six growth markets;13 countries across North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia

Five Key Findings and Implications for Canada

1. Strong Business Case for Digital Health


of workers say they are much less/less likely to move elsewhere if their employer promotes or sponsors digital health solutions in the workplace


of employers believe an investment in digital health and well-being solutions will have a positive impact on staff energy levels and 4/10 believe promoting or sponsoring digital health solutions will aid staff retention


of employers are very/somewhat likely to invest more in digital health in the next five years

Digital health and well-being solutions will be of increasing importance in retaining, engaging and energizing workers

2. Workers Value Patient-Centered Solutions

Out of a list of 15 digital health innovations, these three were rated valuable by the most workers


App that helps find the right doctor or medical care when and where needed


Canadians would like access to electronic and personal health records (not surprising given most Canadians do not have direct access to their own medical information and it is likely located in various places)


of Canadians want access to telemedicine for simple health issues and tools for self-managing health conditions through wearable technology

For workers, digital health solutions have a clear role in facilitating personalized health care as well as more patient centric care (which doesn't exist in our care system today)

3. Low Barriers to Adoption; High Trust in Employers

of workers have some or a great deal of trust in their employer’s ability to keep their personal health information secure

Workers are surprisingly willing to share health data to receive higher quality, more personalized and convenient care

4. Four Different Worker Segments to Engage

Distinguished by attitudes towards digital health innovations; level of confidence in employer-sponsored digital heath solutions; and the likelihood of staying with an employer offering these solutions.


About half of workers are in Sign Me Up – the group that's most eager to try digital health solutions offered at work.

Unique worker segments have different attitudes towards health innovation and require tailored approaches

5. High Demand for a Pro-Health Culture

of workers have some or a great deal of trust in their employer’s ability to keep their personal health information secure

Workers value a pro-health work culture – which has important implications for digital health solutions

  Global Differences Between Growth & Mature Markets


of growth market respondents globally report greater confidence in the digital and well-being solutions from employers


of mature market respondents


of growth market respondents globally say they are much less/less likely to move elsewhere


of those in mature markets - if their employer promotes or sponsors digital health solutions

More workers in growth markets are ready for digital health now, but across all markets, workers are open to digital solutions that address their needs