The four trends Mercer uncovered last year have not only endured an extraordinary year, they have grown in relevance.


According to Canadian HR leaders, nearly 64% expect the pandemic to continue to negatively impact their business in 2021. Nevertheless, investing in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) analytics is going to be a top priority, followed by defining future workforce needs, energizing the employee experience and reinventing flexibility.


Mercer’s refreshed 2020–2021 Global Talent Trends highlights the top priorities setting the agenda for 2021.


01/ Focus on futures

65 percent


of organizations report ESG (environmental, social and governance) as a crucial focus for 2021

but only 13 percent


will be investing sustainably.

02/ Race to reskill

53 percent


of organizations are identifying new skills needed for their post-COVID operations,

but only 12 percent


have started their “pay for skills” journey.

03/ Sense with science

60 percent


help executives balance economics and empathy by sharing data on the impact cost decisions have on health and engagement.

but just 17 percent


help executives balance economics and empathy by sharing data on the impact cost decisions have on health and engagement.

04/ Energize the experience

59 percent


of companies plan to reinvent flexibility — a core part of transforming the employee experience.

yet only 17 percent


are open to phased retirement — a critical aspect of lifestyle flexibility.

Top 3 HR priorities

glasses icon

Enhance programs and policies that enable employees to adapt to new ways of working

flower icon

Hard-wire culture into workforce transformation plans

butterfly icon

Transform the HR operating model to be more agile


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