The new normal in total rewards planning can be defined in one word: balance. Balancing empathy with economics in decision-making should be at the heart of planning and budgeting for 2021 and beyond.


The majority of Canadian organizations are stable or growing, but all organizations are finding budget planning for 2021 difficult. The challenge: how to revamp employee benefits to attract and engage the best talents through an enhanced employee experience.


Download our whitepaper which looks at ways Canadian organizations can find balance in their total rewards strategies by effectively managing costs and risks, redefining priorities and investing strategically.

What are your top priorities for 2021 Total Rewards?


  • Deliver more targeted value to different employee segments
  • Optimize / or reduce costs of existing programs
  • Ensure compensation programs are competitive
  • Better align incentive plans to evolving business objectives
  • Improve digital employee experience across the Total Rewards programs
  • Roll out an employee wellness platform
  • Help employees with financial wellness
  • Reduce internal workload, by delegated plan governance

Download the whitepaper