Organizations need job evaluation in a competitive business environment.

Organizations need consistent methodologies and tools to assess jobs and job architecture to enable effective attraction, development and retention of critical talent.

A consistent job analysis and job evaluation methodology can help you achieve optimal internal equity and external competitiveness to compete in an evolving talent environment.

Mercer invests in our methodologies and conducts research to ensure alignment with the global marketplace and to provide organizations with a platform for managing a diverse talent population.

Our job evaluation methodology allows organizations to understand the internal comparability and external value of jobs while facilitating the rapid development of new roles and responsibilities, providing a platform for better career management for employees and increased workplace flexibility.

Job Evaluation and the Science of Structure

Based on results of Mercer’s research on global talent trends and job evaluation return on investment, this article provides Mercer’s point of view on the changing work environment and key considerations for organizations as they manage the present and prepare for the future.

Topics include:

  • Flexibility and the Individual Experience
  • Non-Traditional Jobs
  • Globalization
  • Establishing Structure Through Job Evaluation

Mercer Job Evaluation Return on Investment Snapshot Survey

The Mercer Job Evaluation Return on Investment Snapshot Survey examines ways in which companies around the world benefit from implementing a job evaluation methodology. In total, 569 HR professionals from 56 countries participated in the survey.

Topics include:

  • Expected return on investment when implementing a job evaluation methodology,
  • Top value-add activities, 
  • Communication related to job evaluation, 
  • And projections for the future.

Mercer International Position Evaluation

This brochure provides an overview of Mercer’s proprietary global job evaluation methodology, Mercer IPE (International Position Evaluation):

  • A brief summary of the Mercer IPE factors, 
  • Our simplified evaluation process; and 
  • Potential benefits to your organization. 

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