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Pension & Investments rankings are based on survey responses from responding firms. Mercer may calculate worldwide assets under advisement and worldwide assets under management differently than other responding firms. The assets under advisement data (AUA Data) reported here include aggregated assets under advisement for Mercer (Canada) Limited, Mercer Global Investments Canada Limited, and their affiliated companies globally (Mercer). The AUA Data have been derived from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, third-party custodians or investment managers, regulatory filings, and client self-reported data. Mercer has not independently verified the AUA Data. Where available, the AUA Data are provided as the date indicated (the Reporting Date). To the extent information was not available as of the Reporting Date; information from a date closest in time to the Reporting Date, which may be of a date more recent in time than the Reporting Date, was included in the AUA Data. The AUA Data include assets of clients that have engaged Mercer to provide project-based services within the 12-month period ending on the Reporting Date. The assets under management data (the AUM Data) reported here include aggregated assets for which Mercer Global Investments Canada Limited and their global affiliates provide discretionary investment management services as of the dates indicated.


Investment management services for Canadian investors are provided by Mercer Global Investments Canada Limited.  Investment consulting services for Canadian investors are provided by Mercer (Canada) Limited.