Throughout the employee life cycle, organizations work to provide relevant and valuable employee benefits that help attract and retain talent.  Retirement and benefit plans can be a valued part of employee compensation however, market forces are making employers review their plans, even as many employers remain convinced that retiree benefits are “the right thing to do”.  Being able to provide a retiree benefit solution to employees can be easier than imagined.

What is the Mercer Retiree Solution?

The Mercer Retiree Solution provides an employers’ retirees access to a complete suite of Mercer designed Health, Travel and Life insurance products.   Designed to reduce costs, simplify administration and empower retiring employees as they transition to retirement, it’s a way for employers to do more for employees even after they leave the workplace.

Learn about the benefits of the Mercer Retiree Solution

Mercer Retiree Solution provides benefits for both your organization as well as your employees.  As an organization, you can provide a unique insurance offering to retirees without increasing your costs or administrative resources.

Enhanced employee engagement

  • Allows you, as an organization to provide benefits for all employees - from hire to retire.
    Everyone is automatically approved for insurance (no medical exam required).
  • It helps simplify the employees’ transition to retirement with Health, Travel and Life Insurance  coverage where they make the decisions that are right for them. Your retirees are provided with an easy and user friendly sign-up process and ongoing telephone and web support.

No resources required

  • There are no expenses for the organization beyond initial set up. Enrollment is simple and stress-free for both your organization and your retirees.
  • We take care of retiree questions and concerns promptly. You can take comfort in knowing that we will have services available online and offline, and will make accessibility a priority.

Ongoing Oversight of a Tailored Plan

  • Mercer has selected a benefits provider that identifies with the needs of retirees. They will provide underwriting and on-going administration services.
  • Mercer provides ongoing oversight of the retiree plan so that it remains relevant, high value and well priced.

Speak with a Mercer Marsh Benefits consultant

Contact a Mercer Marsh Benefits Consultant today for more information about the Mercer Retiree Solution.
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