The economic volatility and uncertainty caused by COVID-19 means organizations are doing their business planning with more unknowns than ever before. But some things are clear, and understanding what they are and how they affect your company will help you strengthen your business, support your employees and position you for whatever the future may bring.


It starts by recognizing we’re in a new world, with economic and fiscal stimulus programs and shifting geopolitical relationships that have made traditional modelling and historic asset movements less reliable. It’s also a time of business as unusual affecting markets, engagement and the workplace, and when organizations must position for transition to make sure they’re ready to weather the move to a sustainable future.

Our new whitepaper, Reshaping the Future: The Great Acceleration, examines what this means for businesses of all sizes and how you can navigate through the volatility toward a stronger future. In it, you’ll discover:


  • How your organization can find investment opportunities in the midst of all this uncertainty and better protect yourself from roller coaster markets.
  • The steps that will help defined benefit pension plans continue to meet the needs of their members in the wake of the pandemic.
  • How sponsors of defined contribution retirement and savings plans can support their employees who are worried about how COVID-19 has affected their financial wellbeing.
  • Ways to reduce your liabilities if your organization offers post-employment retirement benefits.
  • New considerations you should take into account when setting executive compensation for 2021.

Download our new whitepaper, Reshaping the Future: The Great Acceleration