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Impact investing: transition, transformation and innovation

April 2023

Transition, transformation and innovation are the three words top of mind when it comes to Impact Investing right now, but how can investors start to implement Impact Investing into their portfolios?

In this episode, Angelika Delen, Global Head of Impact Investing is joined by Silvia Ruprecht, Senior Policy Advisor at the Swiss Federal Office of Environment and Cara Williams Global, Head of ESG and Sustainability to explore. 

Building wealth, building communities: Affordable housing investing

March 2023

Despite the challenging macroeconomic backdrop, there may be opportunities within Real Estate to gain exposure to trends shaping the future such as affordable housing.


Zeenat Patel, Alternative Investments Director at Mercer is joined by Hannah Marshall, who is responsible for CBRE's Pan-European Residential Impact Strategies and Anne Koeman-Sharapova who leads Mercer’s efforts in Real Estate investment and Due Diligence in Europe and the UK to discuss.

DEI in investing: A pathway to better returns

March 2023

Now, more than ever, investors are seeking to address systemic imbalances by increasing diversity within their organisations and boosting DEI with their investment portfolios.


To explore how both investors and managers are approaching this, Alexa Shanks, Head of Intermediary Relationships, Mercer UK is joined by Stephen Deane, Portfolio Manager and Partner at Skerryvore Asset Management and Terrance Jones, Manager Research, Mercer US to discuss.

Is nature the next major ESG theme?

February 2023

Nature as an ESG theme is rising into prominence and the link between nature and investors’ climate strategies is becoming clearer.


In this episode, Andrew Lilley, Sustainable Investment Head, Continental Europe is joined by Kate Brett, Global Intellectual Capital Lead for Sustainable Investment and Sarika Goel, Head of Sustainable Investment Manager Research to explore the market developments and trends for nature as well as the possible actions for investors today. 

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