Defined benefit plans turning to the digital age

While the way employees prepare for retirement is changing, defined benefit (DB) plans continue to be a vital part of the Canadian retirement system. Technology and new tools are making it easier for you to fulfill your promise to DB plan members—if you gain the knowledge for how to harness them effectively.

Technological breakthroughs are changing everything you do, even DB plans

These technological breakthroughs are changing everything you do – in your private life, but also for your DB plan responsibilities.  Not only can they assist you with plan management and administration, but also help plan members with their day-to-day retirement needs now and in the future.

What opportunities could this offer to you and your members?  There is more than meets the eye:

As plan sponsors, you have made a promise to your workforce. That promise is helping them build financial security and wellness during their time with your organization, looking ahead towards retirement. Support the financial security of your workforce: learn about the technologies available to help you become more efficient at managing defined benefit plans.

Find out more about how the digital age is changing DB pension plans – for the employee and for you.

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