The next evolution of the defined contribution plan: A delegated solution

Reach a higher standard of financial wellness for your employees and provide them with a path to retiring with peace of mind. Here’s your new first step to evolve your defined contribution plan.

Saving for retirement is the most common source of financial stress among employees of all ages and income levels. That’s why governance of workplace defined contribution (DC) plans has taken on greater importance in recent years. Governance is crucial to providing the education, communication that support employee financial wellness.

Many plan sponsors find it challenging to manage the evolving complexities of a DC plan. But now there is a better way to equip yourself with the resources for effective governance. One that gives you more time to focus on strategic outcomes for your employees and your business.

Discover the new first step and learn more about:

  • Securing your foundation through an enhanced governance framework;
  • Inspiring confidence in employees with innovation and financial wellness programs;
  • Achieving greater prosperity by having access to non-traditional investment opportunities and the ability to negotiate competitive fees.

With a simple shift to your approach to governance, you can help employees feel more financially secure as they prepare for retirement. Read the whitepaper to discover how to get started with your new first step.


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